Welcome to Happiness

I grew up wild !

Little book of hope 

Growing wild 

In an untended pot 

Dropped by a bird 

Caught in nurturing soil

Braving harsh sun 


And thirst 

I grew up wild 

I grew up beautiful 

Rugged walls encase me 

Barbed wires pierce my delicate veins 


I smile 

I dance 

I bloom

I share my mind’s fragrance 

Having witnessed many autumns 

I cherish every moment of spring 

The koel sings to me 

The morning sun kisses me good morning 

The gentle moon pats me to sleep 

What else do I need to be happy 

To be greatful

To smile 

To dance 

I have the barbed wire 

I have the rugged wall 

I have the koel 

The bees

The butterflies 

And a crazy guy who clicks me 

I get to choose what I focus on

And what I focus on grows……

