Welcome to Happiness

Ja Tujhe Ishq ho Jaaye

Little book of love 

All my life I sought the beloved 

The beloved who 

Will accept me completely 

Love me unconditionally 

With whom I feel safe 

Who did not make me feel guilty 

With whom I could be me 

With whom I could share my light 

Who would embrace my darkness 

Who hugged me tightly on the darkest of nights 

Who let me fly free on the brightest of days 

Who spread her wings on top of me when storms were around 

Who sat by my side quietly when I chose to sulk, withdraw, and not to speak 

Who danced and laughed wildly with me 

Who held my hands in quiet walks 

Who never judged me 

Who did not walk away when I messed up 

Who did not ask why 

For whom I was a mystery and not a puzzle to be solved 

The one who was happy in my happiness 

The one who set me free,  so I came back to her 

The one who did not try to own me, but I was hers, tied by a delicate silken thread 

To the one, who I did not have to prove my love to 

With whom my eyes, tears, and silence spoke 

This beloved eluded me 

Till I understood that I was that deer crazily seeking musk 

And carrying it within 

Till I understood, that I was the one, I was seeking 

And my beloved was the divine source from where I came, and to where I would return 

And if this source blessed me, I will become this beloved for someone 

And one day, such a beloved would embrace me 

This is the last poem of the book 

And, my wish is that may love find you 

May you be love 

The blessings of Baba Bulle Shah 

Jaa tujhe ishq ho jaaye 

For when I am completely destroyed in love, all labels, and all identities die 

And in this dying, I am reborn…..

This book emerged in one such dying 

So it is now